Hi, my name is Evan Woods.
I'm a Professional Developer.

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I am a strong information technology professional and experienced software developer with a Bachelor of Engineering (B.E.) focused in Computer Engineering from Clemson University.

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This tic-tac-toe game was developed from the React Documentation Tutorial: Intro to React.

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Washer Sorting Robot

This Senior Design Champion Clemson University ECE 4950 Senior Design project was a robotic system which used an electromagnet to move a washer to a load cell where it could be weighed, and used this measurement to sort the washer into the correct slot on a circular disk. The project resulted in a reliable and efficient system which could precisely place, weigh, and sort washers by both weight and color safer and faster than any other team.

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The short film depicts a student who takes advantage of everyday technologies. Ironically, his insignificant choices have comically-unfortunate consequences as his peers confront his lacidaisical lifestyle and things turn from bad to worse. I value both the experience and the memory of writing, directing, and filming this, and I hope you enjoy the video, too

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